A Virus is an infective agent or malware software program which is very dangerous of any type of computer. Actually these types of virus when executed they copied by itself to the different locations in computer and infect the programs installed in computer .
We have listed Top 10 most dangerous computer viruses of all time whom you should aware of it.
1 Nimda
The main purpose of this kind of virus is to slow down the speed of the internet. Nimda was founded in September 2001. If you read backward it spelled “Admin” . This Virus used emails,shared folders etc to spread itself. Nimda was widespread in just 22 minutes. There are multiple author of this Virus ,one of which is serving prison.
2 SkyNet
This virus is inspired from Terminator movie .It is not corrupter virus but it actually slows down the PC and it also shows the red screen with a text ” DON’T BE AFRAID . I AM A VERY KIND VIRUS. YOU HAVE DO MANY WORKS TODAY SO,I WILL LET YOUR COMPUTER SLOW DOWN. HAVE A NICE DAY,GOOD BYE. PRESS A KEY TO CONTINUE. ”
This virus is mostly comes with an email note “ILOVEYOU” sometimes it refered as Love Letter. It consist of an attachment “LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs” If this file gets a click then it automatically sends everyone which are added in your contact list. This makes the victim’s computer unbootable.
This virus is one of the most fast-spreading malware which infected more than 75,000 victim’s computer within 10 mins on January 2003. This virus slows down the internet .
On July 19, 2001 This virus had infected almost 359,000 computers after 6 days of its invention. Is was introduced in July 13, 2001. According To Symantec “The CodeRed Worm affects Microsoft Index Server 2.0 and the Windows 2000 Indexing service on computers running Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000, which run IIS 4.0 and 5.0 Web servers. The worm uses a known buffer overflow vulnerability contained in the Idq.dll file.”
This virus mainly target the Windows Operating System and destroyed their speed . It spreads by exploiting the system through a vulnerable port. This virus damaged Billions Of Dollars in the year 2004.
This is the most dangerous viruses for the industrial computer systems. Stuxnet was invented only to shut down one-fifth of the centrifuges in Iran nuclear power plants. Stuxnet was identified in 2010.
This Virus was recognized in July 2007. Zeus virus was very difficult to recognized as it uses some unique stealth techniques that difficult to make an update on virus to detect. This virus steal the information of US Transportation Department.
This virus was created by David L. Smith. This virus has an eligibility of spreading itself through emails. While clicking on this virus it disables the safeguards in Window 97 and 2000. David told that the virus’s name was named after a exotic dancer in Florida.
This virus was created by Bulgarian hacker as a memory resident. It infects all .com and .exe files. This virus plays a tune “Yankee Doodle” by itself everyday at 4pm .