While searching in a google you have to click on lots of urls to visit your desired result. This is not only your’s problem, this problem is common with most of the people. So today it this article you will learn Some tips and tricks or google secrets that you may use while searching to get your desired result . So lets start..
1. Searching for a title or url
In-order to get keywords and name of an article, type “intitle” before the search term, without any spaces between them. In order to find words from a given URL, you can use “inurl.”
2. Incase lots of words are missing
In case you have forgotten the lengthier half of the initial phrase rather than a keyword, then its better, you write out the first and last words and put “AROUND + (the estimated number of missing words) between them” Eg. “ I wandered AROUND (4)
3. Searching using synonyms
Synonyms make searching online very convenient given that they are riddled everywhere in our language. Therefore, if you need to find a websites on a given subject rather than those that include a specific phrase, it will be good to add the “ ~ ” to your search.
4. Finding similar websites
In case there is something you really like online and want to get similar websites, you can just type in “related:” followed by the address of the site without a space between them.
5. Unimportant search words
In order to remove unimportant words from your query, simply write a minus symbol before each one. A good example is this, you want to find a site with lots of interesting books, but you obviously aren’t going to buy them. You can write the following: “interesting books -buy.”
6. Using whole phrases
Putting the search term within quotation marks is the easiest and most efficient way to find something specific in the exact order that you typed it in.
For example, if you type in words “I’m picking up good vibrations,” without quotation marks, the search engine will show results where these words appear in any order on a website regardless of the order in which you had typed them.
On the other side, if you type “I’m picking up good vibrations” within quotation marks, the results you get will have those words appearing only in the order in which you type them. This can really come in handy when you are searching for song lyrics and you only know one line from the song.