How To Find Saved Password Of Wifi in Windows 10 in 3 Steps

In Windows 10 it is much harder to find saved Wifi Password. Where is window 7 its very easy to find i.e all you have to do click on Wifi icon in the system tray from the Pop Up menu ,right click on the network you wanted to view the password for get it to its properties. Inside the properties window, where a security tab where you could check the Wifi Password.

So today We’ll guide you how to find saved password of your Wifi in Windows 10. Below are the 3 easy steps.

Steps To View Saved Password Of Wifi in Windows 10 

Step 1. Click on start menu and open Command Prompt.

How to find saved password of Wifi in windows 10

How to find saved password of Wifi in windows 10

Step 2. Write or Paste this code in Command Prompt and Hit Enter. It will show you all available Wifi Networks

netsh wlan show profile

How to find saved password of wifi in window 10

How to view saved password of wifi in window 10

Step 3. Now write this command along with Wifi name. This will show you all properties of the Wifi which you are looking for along with password. (I have selected Everstyle)

netsh wlan show profile “Network Name” key=clear

How to find saved password of Wifi in windows 10

How to find saved password of Wifi in windows 10

That’s it . The key content will display the saved password.

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