Exchange Server deals with a large number of applications and even after so many security features it still throws errors. Incorrect commands and operations by the user also result in error messages. Thus the cause of these errors should be known in order to fix them. Sometimes Microsoft Exchange Message Transfer Agent (MTA) shows error messages.
Could not start the Microsoft Exchange Message Transfer Agent service on ServerName. Error 2140: An internal Windows NT error occurred.
Errors encountered with Message Transfer Agent (MTA) in Exchange Server can be solved by MTAcheck.exe utility. The database integrity checker scans for corrupt files or any inconsistency in the database. But as it goes with ESEutil, using such utility may create further problems if the damage is severe. When MTAcheck.exe is used it displays error message ‘Database contains serious errors and cannot be automatically repaired’. Fix the Exchange Server error and repair files by following steps.
MTA in Exchange Server could not work for following error message
- Event ID: 2152
- Event Type: Warning
- Event Source: MSExchangeMTA
- Event Category: Operating System
When the recovery option fails, Exchange Server displays error by above event ID and the details can be checked in log file drive: ExchsrvrMtadata.MTACHECK.OUTMTACHECK.LOG.
- Event ID:2155
- Event Type: Warning
- Event Source: MSExchangeMTA
- Event Category: Internal Processing
This error message is displayed when MTA could not read attribute information (AAT) to a specific object
Some wrong operations performed by Users also cause damage to the database which shows error message like
- Event: 2187
- Source: MTA
- Type: Warning
- Cat: Internal Processing
This error occurs when users try to unlock an item which is not locked. MTA database shows the message with event ID and object Fault
- Event ID: 2219
- Source: MSExchangeMTA
- Category: Field Engineering
When the database Message Transfer Agent is not shut down properly while running recovery results, the error messages show up
The main cause of above-given errors is due to wrong path value of the MTA database in Windows registry.Fixes/ Solutions to MTA Database Error
- Open the Run window and type Regedit and hit enter
- The Registry editor window will open, now check the MTA Database path
- Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesMSExchangeMTAParametersMTA Database Path
- Now open the registry entry and enter the correct MTA database location in Value data box
- Now look for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesMSExchangeMTAParametersMTA Run Directory
- Open the located entry and verify the location of MTA Run Directory in Value Databox
- Close the registry editor and restart exchange server
The Exchange Server Error 2140 will be removed and MTA will be set to the original path. In this way, you can prevent Exchange Server Internal and external errors. You can also take backup Exchange Server for fighting against these types of error.
Read Also: Restart Exchange Information Store