One Side Apple has introduced wireless charger to their iPhone on the other side Disney the giant had turned their room into a wireless charger. One can charge his/her mobile anywhere in that room without using any charging cables or any charging instrument.
Recently Wireless charging had evolved a lot. Many cell phones were introduced with wireless charging . It means Mobile can charge without using any charging cable. This is setting up a great example of technology.
Recently in US a company named uBeam had designed a room with ultra sonic wireless charging system.
Apple had already introduced wireless charger. But now they are working on wireless charging which can use for quite longer range. So may be this technology will be included in next iPhone.
Wireless charging is still not introduced for Android users.
As per source Disney is working on a Project which set up a great example of future wireless charging technology. This is a system that would allow when we enter in a room our phone will charge wireless automatically.
This method is known as Quasistatic Cavity Resonance and this has been testing in Disney Research Center. To make this system work the floor,ceiling and fans should made up to metal . This would allow uniform magnetic field which generate power to mobiles as well as lighting system and other electronic equipments.
Currently the rooms are specially designed to perform tests but experts said that this system can work in other structures too by using paint or conductive properties.
If these test will show the desired results then the era of charging mobiles with cable will going to end. We will going to step on new technology world .